Just as the Symbian User think of How to Hack their Symbian Phone & Sign their Applications, How iPhone/iPad Users think of How
to Jailbreak their Devices to Make Use of Some Applications and Beats Off their Limitation. This is a Major Reason why Andriod Users
need to Root their Andriod Phones to enjoy their Device to the Fullest.
Why Root My Andriod Device?
Let’s start with why you would want to root your Android smartphone. Sometimes Applications require special permission that the Android OS, which is based on Linux doesn’t allow. These could be simple as
taking a screenshot to higher level
permissions to the core Android files. Rooting makes your phone faster, increases battery life, allows it to run more applications, custom software and ROMs which
allow complete control over every aspect of your device by allowing superuser and admin level permission. Removing carrier
bloatware is a particularly enticing
How To Root Your Andriod Device Easily
Below is a Simple Procedure on how to root Andriod Device Perfectly.
Warning: You must Back-up your device
before you Start the Rooting Steps.
1. Download SRS-Root to your PC
Here [One of the World Best Rooting App].
2. Connect the android device you wish to Root to your computer using your Micro USB/USB cable.
3. Run the SRS-Root software on your computer.
4. Click on the
‘Root Device [All Methods]’ and wait for the Rooting process to complete.
Note: SRS-Root is completely reversible by clicking on the UnRoot Device Button on the SRS-Root Software Interface and is far safer than other dangerous methods of rooting and unrooting. Enjoy!!
Original posted by
@2016-08-13 10:04 ( 3 comments )
Created at 2016-10-25 05:33:47
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