Originally posted ßy:
1. Create a new folder, or you can use an existing folder which you want to hide containing the important file you want to hide.
2. Rename the folder to any name of your choice but put a .jad extension e.g if you decide ho hide your movies folder, you can name your movies folder as movies.jad
3. Now, create a new folder with the same name in the same directory but with .jar extension i.e the second folder will have the extension movies.jar
4. Thats all you are through your original movies folder which you named as .jad gets hidden and only the folder with .jar is visible and when you open it, it is empty. All the files in the original folder are hidden... In order to unhide the original folder, just remove the .jar extension from th visible folder and your real folder with .jad extension become visible.
Created at 2016-12-17 01:57:48
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